Port Royale 4 videogame trailer.
Avast ye shipmates! The old salts at Bent Ear have created the sound design, track laying, mix and final master for the new Port Royale 4 video game trailer. We been a-searchin' the depths of old briny for the tastiest pirate-sound-design-based booty ever to be plundered from Davy Jones Locker! Or something.
The trailer depicts the story of a barrel of rum, from its days as a piece of merchant spoils to being used as trade to help build a port town, whilst getting attacked by pirates on the way! Our job was to convey this story using sound design as the primary narrative.
We meticulously stitched together a cinematic soundscape redolent of the golden age of piracy as well as creating much of the foley. We also embedded the music into the final mix and mastered the complete soundtrack for uncompressed QuickTime.
Sound design, tracklay, mix and master by Bent Ear.
Animation: Flipbook