We've recently taken delivery of a Subpac M1 wearable bass unit as well as building a binaural dummy head recording set-up for use with audio VR technologies. The Subpac is a tactile audio technology that transfers bass directly to your body, bypassing the ear.
Binaural sound only works with headphones and can make sounds appear from "behind you". This binaural haircut video will give you some idea of this fascinating sound experience (use with headphones):
We can now create a stereo binaural illusion by moving the head around the space in sync to the pictures, using Foley recording techniques. Together with Subpac technology we can create compelling audio partnerships with VR/360 video films and presentations.
However, this is fine if you don't move your head ! So this system is still a work in progress as we further investigate the possibilities of real-time sound localisation.
More about the Subpac + VR here: http://subpac.com/feel-vr/#lea...